Monday, August 29, 2016

In Introduction to Why the Internal Appeal is Important in ERISA Benefit Denials

As you may know, I moved my Connecticut LTD and ERISA practice last month to Zeldes, Needle & Cooper in Bridgeport, I've been working on posting articles to the new firm's web site.  Today I posted an article discussing the administrative appeal process and why it is important.  It is a good general introduction to the issues involved.  As the article notes, the insurance company won't tell you one of the most important things about the internal appeal process: that you probably won't be able to submit any new information in litigation that you haven't submitted during the appeal process. That is why is can be important to have an attorney during the appeal process to make sure you have the best chance to get the result you want in the appeal, and to put you in the best position to win in court if you don't win the internal appeal.